Most homeowners can relate to the feeling that accompanies that first moment you spot a mouse roaming through their home. No matter where this rodent is spotted, it’s going to incite surprise, fear, and paranoia. These creatures are quite resourceful and can find ways into a home through the smallest of openings. They will nest in the smallest of areas and fit in spaces as small as a nickel. That makes them really difficult to get rid of!

These rodents will find their way inside during the colder months so that they can stay warm and find easy sources of food. The problem is that they can put your home at risk for electrical fires and they carry deadly bacteria that can be easily spread. They contaminate your food sources without you even realizing it.

You need to get rid of these rodents as soon as possible to prevent them from causing serious problems. This post will show you how to do just that!

Step 1: Sanitize your Home

Perform a walk-through of your home to check for potential entry points and signs of infestation. You need to make it as difficult as possible for them to enter but most importantly, you need to make sure they are not provided with the things they need to survive. If they do not have access to food, then chances are that they will seek shelter elsewhere.

Mice are quite wary of new objects and changes to the environment. They pay close attention to detail and they will be suspicious. Most importantly, they will find food sources immediately but they tend to approach with caution. Clean your home thoroughly to make sure that you have removed all potential food sources.

Step 2: Set Traps and Bait

It will take a few days before traps start to catch rats because of their cautious nature. There are a few advantages of trapping over baiting. In most cases, if you have small children or pets then you will need to set traps rather than have poison lying around.

If you catch your infestation early enough, then you can usually eliminate the problem with a few strategically placed traps.

Step 3: Follow these Rodent Control Tips

  • Place door sweeps on all exterior doors and repair any screens that might be damaged.
  • Install screens on any openings like a chimney.
  • Seal any cracks that might allow rodents to enter your home. The most susceptible areas are where pipes enter the home. Carefully check and apply caulk where necessary to seal with away.
  • Always store food in airtight containers. Cereals, grains, and other dry goods provide rodents with easy access to food.
  • Dispose of your trash on a regular basis.
  • Make sure that the attic and crawl spaces of your home are all dry and well ventilated.
  • Replace loose or damaged weather stripping around the base of windows and other foundational points.
  • Store all firewood no less than 20 feet away from the home.

You want to get rid of rodents as quickly as possible. If the infestation is too large, then you’re probably better off to hire a professional.

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