The warm Florida weather is great and enjoyable for both residents and visitors, but unfortunately, the excellent weather also attracts a wide assortment of pests. One of the most common household pests Tampa residents inquire about how to get rid of is silverfish. Silverfish, which are small, silver-grayish colored insects, are eerie looking pests that can cause even the bravest person to let out a squeal of fear. Silverfish gets their name due to their movements being similar to the way a fish move. They adore the warm, humid weather of Florida and can typically be found in laundry rooms, cupboards, bathrooms, closets and attics. Silverfish not only send a chill up your spine, but they are extremely difficult to get rid of without the help of a pest control service.

The Diet and Life Span of Silverfish

The diet of a silverfish is typically sugars and starches, however, they also eat natural fibers, paper and glue. If you have an infestation of silverfish in an area where you store books, photographs and/or paper memorabilia, they can be destroyed quickly by silverfish. It is not uncommon for a female silverfish to lay as many as 60 eggs while breeding. The eggs usually hatch about two months later and an adult silverfish typically lives between two to eight years.

Are They Dangerous?

A silverfish does not bite or sting, so they are not physically dangerous, but it is possible for them to contaminate food items through their droppings. One of the largest concerns with an infestation of silverfish is they are an invitation for other insects to come into your home. Centipedes, spiders and earwigs are predators of silverfish, because they are a primary food source for these insects. So, if you do not get the silverfish infestation under control, you may end up with other insects, including spiders.

Silverfish can get into your home through the smallest of cracks and crevices, lay eggs and continue to live in your home, destroying your belongings, unless they are completely eliminated. Many people who try to get rid of the silverfish on their own often find that do-it-yourself insect control products will only temporarily reduce the infestation. In order to completely eliminate the infestation, it is essential that you hire a professional pest control company that is experienced in completely eliminating silverfish.

Contact us at Consolidated Pest Control today and let us take care of your silverfish problem, so you can enjoy a pest free home.

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