Between springtime and fall, mosquitoes and their larvae thrive and multiply, leaving you and your family swatting frantically while scratching itchy, painful bites. Mosquitoes do more than annoy. They pass on life-threatening diseases to people they feast on. Illnesses left by mosquitoes include:

  • West Nile Virus
  • Zika Virus
  • Malaria
  • Dengue fever
  • Other health complications, including encephalitis (or swelling of the brain)

While mosquitoes place your family at greater risk for serious disease, they drain your quality of life in other ways. You might already deal with the following issues:

Mosquito Control Prevents Reduced Productivity 

Perhaps you started a landscaping project and cannot continue, thanks to a veil of mosquitoes that constantly cover your yard, leaving you with unsightly bites and buzzing that seems unstoppable. You might find yourself and your children unable to do things you love, like playing frisbee in the yard or enjoying a family barbecue. Clearly, without proper mosquito control, mosquitoes control you.

Mosquito Control Prevents Cuts To Property Value

Depending on your property, many factors contribute to growing mosquito populations, such as water levels within and near your fields and irrigation ditches. Over time, mosquito infestations transform your property into a harbor for dozens of illnesses, making it less appealing if you want to make a sale. In the longterm, mosquitoes leave financial damages along with health risks.

Count On Us

Consolidated Pest Control takes eco-friendly measures to tackle the most aggravating pest situations, including hordes of mosquitoes. We recognize that mosquitoes pose more than a public health threat and aim to help Tampa Bay area families in affordable, proactive ways. If your family struggles with mosquito-related problems, don’t delay in calling us today.

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