Which creature shimmies its way around under the cover of darkness? It typically has 177-pairs of legs. And it may unexpectedly use them to crawl up yours the next time you stumble to the kitchen at 3 a.m. for a drink of water or stop by the bathroom for a break. The answer is a centipede.

Considered members of the Chilopoda Class, they differ somewhat from their relatives. For example, in addition to having many pairs of legs, they’re also poisonous. However, the amount of poison each one carries is so miniscule, that it is unlikely to permanently maim most humans. It will kill other insects though and maybe sicken small, domestic birds including parakeets.

On the flip side, the insect shares a love of dank, wet spaces with other members of its class. Consequently, they are frequently found in the areas we mentioned earlier. Plus, they may shimmy their way across rotted wood, wet foundations and damp, concrete slabs or floors. They won’t damage those areas though because they are carnivores. So all the centipedes are really interested in are hiding places, water and enough live insects to sustain life.

However, most people would rather not share their homes or offices with centipedes for other reasons. For instance, they’d rather not be stung by one or find its sibling writhing in the sink. So, they often ask that exterminators remove centipede populations from buildings as well as nearby landscapes. Why toss in the surrounding landscape? Simply put, these little creatures have an uncanny way of finding their way inside at the most inopportune moments. Thus, periodically clearing areas immediately surrounding a home or office may keep that from happening repeatedly.

To learn more about killing centipedes and other nuisance creatures, please contact Consolidated Pest Control today. We can remove centipede populations quickly so everyone may feel more relaxed at home or the office.

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