There are few household irritants more annoying that gnats. They lurk in the crevices, and any time you think you’ve gotten rid of the last one, ten more show up to take their place. However, before you start buying up all the chemical warfare in the pest control aisle, you might want to head over to the cooking section. Because all you really need to get rid of gnats is some apple cider vinegar, a bowl, and some plastic wrap.

Getting Rid of Gnats With Apple Cider Vinegar

Take a bowl, or a glass, and fill it with a few inches of apple cider vinegar. While you can’t use too much, you can use too little. Once you’ve poured in the vinegar, stretch a sheet of plastic wrap over the top, and make sure it’s on tightly. If necessary, stretch a rubber band over your bowl or glass to ensure it’s tight. Then take a toothpick, and poke holes all over the surface. Make sure the holes are large enough to permit a gnat to get inside.

What happens is that gnats will smell the apple cider vinegar, and they’ll crawl in through the rents in the plastic wrap. They’ll try to drink it, and fall in. Wet and covered in vinegar, the gnats will be unable to crawl back up the sides, or to fly out, which means the pool will start collecting dead gnats in a big hurry. Just leave your trap near where the gnats show up most frequently, and wait a day or two. The problem should resolve itself in fairly short order.

For more information on pest control in your home, simply contact us today!

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