Spring is the time when a number of pests become more active, including fleas. Many people are surprised to know that their home could be infested with fleas, even if they do not have pets, or their animals remain indoors all the time. A flea problem can be especially difficult to get rid of, which is why you should check your Valrico home for signs of an infestation right now.
If you have pets, the fact that you have fleas may be apparent when you notice excessive scratching. Even if you don’t notice scratching, you can still check your pet’s hair for live fleas or black specks that are actually flea droppings. If your pet has especially thick fur, run a flea comb over its coat a few times, and chances are you will pick up live fleas if they are present.
Walking across carpeted floors while wearing white socks is another good way to check for fleas in your home. Fleas love to jump on animals or people as they are passing by, and will likely try to bite your ankle if they are present in your carpet. When they land on your white sock, you will be able to see them rather easily. You can use this method to check for them in your yard as well.
Take a damp white cloth and rub it over the top of your carpeting or pet’s bedding. When doing so, check for red streaks on the cloth when you are finished. If you find them, it’s likely because your cloth has come into contact with flea droppings, which indicates you have a flea infestation.
Fleas often attach themselves to clothes on a clothesline or rugs that have been left outside to air out. As such, you should always check these items before bringing them indoors in order to avoid allowing fleas to enter your home in this manner.
If your inspection shows you have a flea problem, you’ll need to have your pets, home and yard all treated in order to completely eliminate the problem. Here at Consolidated Pest Control, we can easily handle your flea problem, and invite you to contact us at 813-986-3341 for more information.