Any Pest Control Company can tell you: It’s no secret that there are a lot of exotic looking insects traipsing about Tampa. And not all of them are as friendly as they may look at first blush. Take the Sunshine State’s velvet ants as prime examples. They’ve got an innocuous sounding name and fuzzy, reddish orange bodies to match. But don’t let that lull you into a bogus sense of safety. They are actually one of Tampa’s most notorious, wingless ground wasps.
Ask any barefoot Tampa resident or visitor that has ever had the misfortune of accidentally stumbling onto a velvet ant’s nest and they will surely tell you one thing. These critters deliver one incredibly painful sting. So much so, that over the years, the pests have earned the stage name of cow killer.
Besides their bold coloring and wicked stings, the wasps are also known for making an odd squeaking sound from time to time. It’s a noise that tends to surprise most people who are accustom to hearing wasps buzz. But don’t count on the squeaking sound to serve as a warning of impending doom. These Tampa pests are known to sting without ever making a so called “battle cry.”
For the most part, they are solitary pests. So you don’t have to worry about being attacked by a swarm of them. They are frequently found nesting in sandy soil, which as we all know is something that Tampa has in abundance. Their preferred food sources are bumble bee offspring, flies, beetles and nectar. Thus, Tampa lawns that are overrun with white grubs and other insects tend to attract these colorful wasps.
Tampa residents that encounter velvet ants should consider consulting with one of our professional exterminators at our Pest Control Company. Although the wasps don’t nest in mass, they can cause unsuspecting people and pets’ unnecessary pain. Plus, they often indicate that the area has large populations of other destructive pests that will need to be eradicated. To learn more about velvet ants and the destructive insects that tend to attract them, please contact us at (813) 986-3341 today.