Thankfully spring is just around the corner. Most of us are itching to get our hands dirty and get to working in the yard. Let’s look at some tips and ideas to get things prepared for the growing season (i.e., mowing season).

Take your time.

Don’t get in too much of a hurry. It is best to let the soil dry out completely before doing any yard work. Too much foot traffic when it is still cold and hard underneath but wet and spongy on top can cause root shear in grass.

If you are too early with your yard work activity and open up the turf canopy to sunlight, you may damage new growth and give weeds ample opportunity to thrive. Wait for grass growth to begin.

If you want to aerate to reduce compaction, stimulate growth and improve filtration of nutrients, hold out until summer.

Watering is best done only when totally necessary. Even a little drought stress brought on by the drier summer will cause grass to root deep, meaning when it’s super hot and dry your grass will be prepared.

When your grass greens up some and you begin mowing, mow low until it is hotter and drier. Not so low as to scalp your yard, but a lower setting will take the dead tops from your grass.

What you can do.

Seed bare areas. Get it done early enough to avoid the stress of summer heat on your grass.

Take care of the dreaded crabgrass. If you had it last year, chances are you will be seeing more of it this year. You want to get a handle on things before the crabgrass gets a foothold by germinating.

If you are just chomping at the bit to get a head start on your neighbor, now would be a great time to get your mower in top notch condition. Sharpen those blades, change the oil, filter and spark plugs.

One of the most important factors in lawn care is good fertilization done regularly. At Consolidated Pest Control we have trained people who know how to do it well. We will evaluate your lawn’s needs and identify any possible issues as part of our ongoing care of your yard. If you would rather leave it all in the hands of professionals this spring check us out!

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