Residents of the Tampa area know that in Florida, a year is divided into the following four categories: tourist season, snowbird season, lovebug season, and hurricane season. According to the National Hurricane Center, hurricane season for our area begins June 1 and ends November 30. As the leading pest control company in Tampa Florida, we would like to offer some thoughts regarding pest control and hurricanes to help our customers be prepared for whatever this upcoming season brings us.

In addition to gathering bottled water and first aid kits, we recommend that before the storm, residents scan the outside of their houses for cracks or fissures that can let water or insects inside. No house is completely waterproof, but if appropriate, contact a professional to schedule a repair if necessary. If a hurricane brings floodwaters to your area, many pests look for dry ground and the inside of your home would provide a perfect refuge.

After the storm has passed, check again for any damage or cracks to your home’s exterior. Check your surroundings for standing water and do what you can to encourage good drainage in low-lying areas. Mosquitos breed in standing water, so empty any buckets, pots, children’s pools, toys, or containers.

To prevent attracting rodents, pick up any trash cans or garbage that has been strewn around your yard. Gather any fallen tree limbs or vegetation and stow such material away from your house. Since decaying wood can attract ants and termites, arrange for its disposal as soon as possible.

Often a storm can carry foreign weeds or seeds into your area. With Florida’s high humidity levels and extreme temperatures, these newly introduced weeds can quickly sprout and take over your lawn. Contact us to schedule a lawn treatment before they do damage.

Our professional technicians are prepared and standing by to keep weeds and pests resulting from a hurricane out of your home and lawn. For more information about how we can keep weeds and pests out of your property, contact Consolidated Pest Control today!

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