Have you ever seen a tunnel nest for a mud dauber? A mud dauber nest looks like a clump of concrete on the wall that a bug crawled into. These wasps can be a nuisance for couple different reasons. This week we’ll look at mud dauber prevention and how it may have something to do with spiders. Read on to find out why.

Mud daubers are a type of wasp that live their entire life cycle almost alone. Usually, they find areas of opportunity to build a nest, lay eggs, and continue on. But, these pests are unique. Mud dauber nest can be made in some very inopportune places. On one hand, they’re not usually aggressive. On the other, tunnel nest can be hard to remove. So, how do you prevent them? Let’s break it down.

This article is meant to provide general information. If you are dealing with an infestation of pests and need pest control assistance, we’re here to help. Contact us today.

What Are Mud Daubers? 

Mud daubers are a type of wasp. There are several different species with color and shape variations. However, the most common are black or black and yellow with thread-like abdomens. These insects are just under an inch long, can fly, and can sting.

Stings by a mud dauber are not very common. They are not typically aggressive. Although, it is never advised to try to mess with them. Mud daubers are solitary wasps. With this in mind, the females build their nests in seemingly random places. Nests are often more of a pest than the actual wasp.

Tunnel Nests

True to their name, mud daubers fashion their nests from mud. Coupled with a sticky secretion, these mud nests can be rock hard. It’s common to find nests on the side of your home, shed or porch. Surprisingly, you may even find these nests in the engine bay of long-sitting vehicle.

Tunnel nests are the home to mud dauber larvae. A female wasp builds the nests and fills it with food for her eggs. When the eggs hatch, the larvae feeds on that source. As it matures, the grown larva busts out of the nest to repeat the life cycle.

Closed nests mean that a mud dauber is still inside. To remove the nest, first spray the nest with a wasp killer. Later, you can safely remove the nest with a paint scraper and some elbow grease. Open nests may become homes for other insects that need enclosed spaces. As a precaution, you can also spray an open nest before attempting to remove it.

Mud Dauber Prevention

Your mud dauber population may have a direct correlation to your spider population. After all, spiders are a mud dauber’s primary food source. Both adults and larva feed on spiders. Likewise, this also may explain tunnel nest placement. The benefit of mud daubers is the fact that they can help your spider population.

One way to approach prevention is to reduce your spider population. Spiders build their nests where other insects can be caught. Attracters, such as porch lights at night, can attract bugs for spiders. Limiting attracters can ultimately reduce spiders. The food sources can be decreased for each level of the food chain.

Another prevention method is to have regular pest control service. Experts can identify areas of opportunity of pests, stopping a future infestation in its tracks. If your home or business is in need of pest control services, our team is happy to help. Contact us today.

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