Making Your Garden Insect-Repellant
Enticing aromas, vibrant plants, beautiful flowers, and bright colors… that’s what every avid gardener visualizes for their garden. What they don’t want is pests, and many worry about the impact of commercial products on their plants. But have no fear – mother nature is full of natural insect-repellant, and we’ve compiled a list of some of the best just for you.
These plants are more commonly recognized as garlic, leeks, onions, chives, scallions, and shallots, and help in keeping away pests like flies, worms, and slugs. In addition, you can also harvest it every now and then to lend a home-grown hand in the kitchen.
But beware; you should only plant these if your home is free of pets because they are very toxic to our animal companions.
In contrast to alliums, catnip is not only safe for animals, but as you probably already know, is adored by our feline friends. If you plan to plant catnip around your home you can expect some furry visitors.
Got mice? It could be a great idea to plant catnip in order to attract feral and stray cats to get them under control, in addition to repelling bugs thanks to the nepetalactone that it contains.
Whether you’re using it in the kitchen to kick your recipes up a notch, using it as a scent in homemade products, or using it in the garden as a repellent, basil is a great herb to have on hand. Not only does it smell good, but the oils in this plant will kill mosquito eggs and aid you in reducing their population around your home and garden.
Another plant that produces a lovely scent – this one with a fresh citrusy kick – and can help keep pests from your garden, citronella is also known as lemongrass. Plant it in the sun as the perfect pal for keeping away ants, gnats, flies, and ticks.
Mint, a notorious Insect-Repellant
Like both lemongrass and basil, mint is a plant with a scent many of us are familiar with, and like basil, can also be used in the kitchen as a natural ingredient while you use it in your garden to keep away biting insects. However, mint loves to spread, so plant it in a pot to keep it from taking over your garden.
Another herb that’s great to have if you like to use home-grown herbs and spices in your cooking, rosemary is perfect for both decorative gardens and vegetable gardens. Not only does it repel mosquitoes, but it protects your vegetables from infestation by other garden pests, too.
With a scent that’s relaxing and used as a sleep aid, lavender is used in all sorts of bath and self-care products. The same smell that helps us relax also repels mosquitoes, moths, and flies, so consider planting it in your garden.
Simply known as “mums” to gardeners, these flowers have an immense variety of colors and sizes. Mums contain pyrethrins, which are a chemical that’s used in many commercial insect repellants, and will make a functional and beautiful addition to your landscaping.
Petunias and Closing for Insect-Repellant
This flower has both an adorable name and a beautiful flower and like mums, come in a wide range of colors and patterns from stripes to splashes and even hearts. A wonderful choice for filling in empty spaces, plant them in any sunny spot that you want to keep away beetles, squash bugs, and aphids.
But, if you want more great information like this, contact us at Consolidated Pest Control.