Hibernation and Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are back in a big way, and you may find them if you travel or move from one place to another. Bed bugs are an unpleasant pest that you don’t want to have in your home, and unfortunately there are plenty of them all over the United States. They are small, hard to see, and can be difficult to get rid of. However, if you find that you have bed bugs in your home, there are several things that you can do to get rid of them quickly and effectively. Another thing to know in your treatment, what is their hibernation pattern?
Bed Bugs and Diapause (or Hibernation)
Bed bugs don’t truly hibernate, but some insects in certain environments can enter a dormant state called diapause when their environment no longer supports them. In some cases, bed bugs may enter diapause if they are exposed to cold temperatures. If this is the case, you may find that your problem goes away during the winter months. Unfortunately, these days most homes are temperature controlled, so bed bugs that are comfortably inside may not enter diapause at all.
As such, bed bugs are known to enter diapause in the winter, but not all populations do. Some of the things that can trigger diapause in bed bugs include a lack of access to human blood meal hosts (if they are cold, this will prevent them from feeding).
Travel and Bed Bug Activity
Bed bugs survive by traveling from one place to another on people or other animals, so we tend to see an increase in infestations during the summer months and holiday season. If you suspect that you may have encountered bed bugs, it is important to contact a professional. They can help determine if the infestation is present and give advice on how to address it.
The best way to avoid bringing bed bugs home with you is by being diligent about your luggage, clothes, and belongings. Make sure you inspect all of these items thoroughly before leaving any location where there might be bed bugs present.
Bed Bug Signs
Even though the effects of bed bugs are not well known, here is a list of things that might be relevant to your home: You may notice some or all of these symptoms:
- Itchy, red bumps that look like pimples or welts. These usually appear on your arms or legs, but can happen anywhere on the body If a bedbug bites you it will leave tiny bite marks in rows of 2-6 spots and they often occur under 1 millimeter
- Dark spots that resemble coffee grounds on your mattress and sheets are sometimes caused by dried blood from crushed bug bodies.
- Black fecal matter that resembles pepper flakes and is found in areas where you see very few insects during the day, such as baseboards, electrical outlets and furniture.
While bed bugs do not transmit diseases, they can cause allergic reactions such as itching and rashes. If you think you might have an infestation, don’t hesitate to contact our Consolidated Pest Control today!