Perhaps you’ve just had your home serviced to get rid of fruit flies, but how do you stop them from coming back? In order to stay free of fruit flies, you should pay attention to several things.

  • First tip: Keep your kitchen clean. Give it a thorough cleaning to start out with, throwing away old fruit and scrubbing out trash cans. Try to minimize smells by rinsing off dirty dishes before allowing them to sit in the sink. Replace sponges and mops on a regular basis, and clean drains and the garbage disposal regularly.
  • Second tip: Wash melons and bananas with a gentle fruit and vegetable wash. This gets rid of some of the smell that attracts fruit flies.
  • Third tip: Keep fruit bowls covered. Try using a cake dome or similar clear container to prevent fruit flies from swarming your fruit.
  • Fourth tip: Wipe counters daily to remove crumbs. You should clean spills immediately. Fruit flies like to consume any food or spilled beverage, not only fruit.
  • Fifth tip: Try to control smells in the kitchen and around the home. Clean the litter box frequently if you have one, and don’t let trash build up too much before taking it out. Research tips and information about removing common household odors. Your pest control company is likely to have some good pointers on this as well.

Consolidated Pest Control has the tools and skills to keep your home free of these annoying pests. To find out more about our service, please contact us.

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