There are a few different methods that work wonders when it comes to killing off those pesky roaches in your home. I would say that the best method is to call in a professional but if you are an advocate of DIY methods, then this post is perfect for you. I’m going to show you how to completely eradicate these bugs in just one week!

The key is simple: eliminate the root of the problem. In the case of cockroaches, the root is their nest. If you can get rid of that, then the problem will go away. Eliminate the nest and you eradicate the roaches! The problem is that finding the nest itself is going to be impossible since roaches love to find floor cracks and wall crevices that are almost impossible to reach. So we need to be creative.

What Actually Works!

Now let’s look at some methods that will actually work. Here are some sure-fire methods of getting to the root of the problem!

#1: Hire an Exterminator

As I mentioned earlier, this is the absolute most effective method. Sure, it might be expensive, but it works wonders! Fortunately, there are some other methods that you can try but I would be lying if I said that an exterminator were not the best. This is a guaranteed way to rid yourself of these pests in a week.

#2: Adhesive Traps

So adhesive traps are hit or miss – they will trap any roaches that happen to make their way onto them. However, these traps only trap individual roaches and do nothing to eliminate the nest itself. Unless your problem is small, adhesive traps should be used in conjunction with other methods and not alone. Still, I encourage you to place these traps in strategic locations throughout your home.

#3: Poisonous Bait

This is the best DIY method for eliminating roaches quickly! The problem is that you cannot place poison if you have children or pets since they could be exposed to it. Cockroaches will take poison back to the next, where it will be ingested other roaches. The results will be amazing and you will find that your cockroach problem will be eradicated within a week!

Don’t Fall Prey to These Myths

Do not allow yourself to fall victim to the many myths that claim to eliminate cockroaches. I feel that it’s important to wrap up this post by looking at some of those.

Citrus liquids are said to eliminate cockroaches but that is far from the truth. Not only will this method not eliminate them, it will attract them into your home. They love sugary treats and will be attracted to this scent!

Some people believe that soap and water will rid their home of roaches but short of directly applying it to cockroaches, this will do little good. Spraying it around your home will do little good.

Cockroaches are one of the most annoying pests you’ll ever have to deal with. They are gross and present an aura of uncleanliness. Get rid of them as quickly as possible. Don’t ignore the problem!

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