Are you looking to avoid bed bugs? Preventing these pesky insects is much easier than trying to eliminate a full blown infestation. In fact, most professionals agree that bed bugs are the most difficult infestation to get rid of. Depending on the scope of the infestation, you might have to seek professional help. But in most cases, you can follow through with preventative measures to keep bed bugs from ever becoming an issue.

Professional inspections are one of the best ways to prevent these nasty bugs. Prevention is key because once they infest your home, it can take several treatments to eliminate bed bugs. That means you will have to spend more money than you would by having a preventative inspection done. There are so many ways that you can help avoid this problem.

My first piece of advice is to remain vigilant! This is especially true when you’re away from your home. The biggest problem with bed bugs is that they spread easily – so easily that you can literally pick them up from anywhere and take them home with you. It’s important that you are conscious of all surroundings so that you can keep these pests from being spread to your home.

The public’s awareness of bed bugs means that more places are taking action to help prevent them. Consumers are starting to take additional steps to minimize their risks so businesses have to come up with unique ways of updating their policies to match.

For instance, people tend to check hotel rooms for signs of bed bugs before settling in. Some residents will wash all of their clothes after a trip before they take them into their home. Sometimes people will even go as far as to vacuum their suitcases in the garage before carrying them back inside.

Top 7 Tips for Preventing Bed Bugs

Again, prevention is the key to avoiding a bed bug infestation. It’s so much easier to prevent these pests that it is to exterminate them. So let’s look at the top 7 tips to help you avoid the problem altogether.

  • Be that eccentric person who vacuums their suitcases after coming back from vacation. You should do this before bringing them inside.
  • Check sheets in the hotel for signs of blood spots.
  • Consider bringing a plastic bed cover with you while you are staying at a hotel. Then put it onto the bed.
  • Carry a small flashlight so that you can visually inspect rooms you are staying in.
  • Always wash second-hand furniture before bringing it into the home. You should also leave it outside for a few days since sunlight will kill bed bugs. Spray it with disinfectant and thoroughly vacuum it.
  • Perform a regular inspection of areas where your family and pets sleep. Look for signs of bed bugs.
  • Have a professional inspection of your home at least once per year. They will help you find signs of an infestation.

Bed bugs are extremely difficult to get rid of so it’s important that you seek professional help as soon as you notice an infestation.

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