Seasonal fruits always seem to come with their own share of fruit flies. These insects love these fruits and will swarm right into your kitchen to get them. In just a few short hours, they will overrun your kitchen and become one of the most annoying infestations you’ve ever experienced! So getting rid of fruit flies will become your topic of choice.

Like all other infestations, prevention is the key. Make sure that all fruits are stored in airtight containers. You should also seal away peels and other uneaten portions of fruit rather than throwing them directly into the trash. Flies don’t mind diving deep into your trash cans in order to get their antennas on those scraps!

Here are some DIY steps that you can follow to get rid of fruit flies if they have already taken over your kitchen. You can also learn more about prevention and other methods in my post titled ‘How to get rid of gnats and fruit flies.

1. Create Apple Cider Vinegar Traps

Pour a small amount of vinegar into a glass and cover the top with a small sheet of plastic wrap. Then secure it using a rubber band. Not poke a couple of small holes so that fruit flies can enter. The scent of apple cider vinegar is irresistible to fruit flies so they will not be able to resist. Once they are inside of the trap, then cannot escape.

2. Vinegar and Dish Soap Traps

If the above trap doesn’t work, you can try mixing the vinegar with scented dish soap. Mix them together in a small bowl and leave it uncovered. The soap will cause the flies to sink into the vinegar and drown.

3. Paper Fruit Trap

Pour a small amount of vinegar into a jar and then add a piece of ripe fruit. Then roll up a piece of paper, placing the small end down into the jar. The paper will resemble a cone with the larger opening pointing upward. Fruit flies will be able to enter the trap, but they will not be able to escape. This follows the same concept as the first trap, but it’s more eco-friendly since we’re using paper rather than plastic.

4. Aunt Fannie’s Flypunch

This is a product that you can find on Amazon and it is one of the most amazing options available. This trap uses a natural mix of ingredients that are not harmful to humans. It comes in a stand up jar and you can just open and place it on a counter. If you find that the above traps are not working, then you can invest a little money into this amazing trap.

5. Fruit Fly Strips

Finally, you can invest in some fly strips that are specifically designed for fruit flies. Just hang these around the kitchen. Of course, they are not going to work if you keep leaving exposed fruit out to attract even more fruit flies. Always remember that prevention is the key to getting rid of any infestation once and for all.


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