Bed bugs are tricky. They can appear anywhere, despite the cleanliness of the area in which they reside. These pesky critters do not travel by hitchhiking on their host, however, they do like to catch a ride in items like furniture, bags, purses, and suitcases. They spread quickly between hotels as well as homes and transportation. Bed bugs can infest other buildings as well such as offices and hospitals. This guide will teach you how to recognize bed bugs, how to get rid of them, and how Consolidated Pest Control can help.

How to identify bed bugs:

  • They have a reddish-brown color.
  • Bed bugs do not have wings.
  • Adult bed bugs are 4-5 millimeters long.
  • They give off an unpleasant, sweet smell.

These critters are very good at hiding in small places and are not easily detected. Bed bugs often stay within 3-6 feet of their host. They are nocturnal bugs and are not easily seen during the daytime. Bites from these bugs are anywhere from no reaction to severe reactions and are usually very itchy.

How to rid your home of pesky bed bugs:

  • Wash all fabric such as clothing, bedding, and curtains in hot water and dry them on the dryer’s highest setting.
  • Place items such as stuffed toys that you are unable to wash in the dryer on the highest setting.
  • Scrub mattress seams.
  • Vacuum your home and bed frequently.
  • Clean up any garbage or clutter near the infested area.

In addition to the above actions, Consolidated Pest Control services can help you rid your home of these nasty bed bugs. We are always ready to help and our friendly and polite staff delivers excellent customer service. Don’t let the bed bugs bite! Contact us today to find out what we can do to rid you home of bed bugs, as well as learning about our other great services.

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