
Why do Spiders Keep Coming Back

Spiders are a pretty unpopular house guest. Most people don’t like seeing them running across the wall or dropping down from the ceiling. We get it – They’re creepy! Luckily, spiders aren’t particularly damaging. The worst they can do is abandon their webs and let them gather dust. Unlike other pests, they don’t invade your food supplies, chew up your home, or hunt for your blood. Instead, they eat the pests that do these things. Whether a spider is inside or out, it only wants to eat pests and make new spiders. While one of these goals makes them a natural sort of pest control, the other is a bit of a problem.

Chances are you’ve already had your home treated for spiders at some point. So if you’ve sprayed for spiders, will spiders come back? Of course, if you haven’t secured your property, they can… But even if your home is airtight, spiders can come back. So, where do they come from? In this article, we’ll cover why you might be seeing spiders after spraying for them.

How Does a Spider Get Inside

The obvious points of entry are doors and windows. Ensuring weather stripping is secure and tight is important, as is patching up any holes. Spiders can squeeze into very tight spaces, many smaller than a match head. Once they get inside, they can lay hundreds of eggs. Speaking of eggs – They tend to protect newborn spiders from many sprays. Even if you’ve sprayed recently, some egg sacks may still lurk between cabinets or in the walls. Once the next generation hatches, it may seem like more spiders have come in from outside.

Bad weather is another way spiders find an entry into your home. Hurricanes, rapid temperature changes, and rainfall can all open up new cracks in your home. Most spiders have bodies less than a quarter of an inch wide, so they can slip in just about anywhere. Diligence is very important. They’ll also scramble to get inside when the weather gets too hot. Spiders can’t move when they dry out, so they seek shelter from hot air and sunlight.

Why Do They Come Inside?

In addition to the need for shelter mentioned above, they need food. If there are bugs in your home for spiders to trap, they’ll set up shop. Preventing other insects from staying inside is a good way to discourage them from sticking around. If you notice you have spiders for a long period of time, you might have a hidden bug problem. Try to see what insects the spider has caught. If there’s nothing in the web, check down below. After eating an insect, spiders cut the empty shell loose. These insect pests also go where there are others like them. Female spiders release pheromones into the air to attract mates, and males come running.

How to Prevent a Spider from Getting Inside

Because spiders are predators, you may need to spray again after new spiderlings hatch. They won’t typically feed on anything that has been poisoned, but residual poisons can help here. No matter how small, closing any outside gap will also prevent them from getting in. Be sure to clean regularly, as spiders avoid frequently traveled places. Professionals can also treat your home with poisons that deter spiders. If you see spiders coming back after spraying, they may be coming in due to new entrances, or they may be the children of the previous generation you sprayed. Consolidated Pest Control will get rid of them either way.

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