What Should I Do If I See a Mouse

It’s a classic cartoon cliché. You know the scene: The day is carrying on like usual, and suddenly a little blur scurries across the floor. The wife goes up on a chair and shrieks, ladies clutch their children, and everyone is in turmoil. While seeing a mouse in real life isn’t going to get this kind of reaction, it’s still a big deal.

Mice are social animals, and that one mouse you saw is bound to be a sign of a more significant problem. Even if you only see one mouse, it could have dozens of brothers and sisters. A single female mouse can have up to six babies at once and six babies every three weeks. So not a month later, there could be six more mice in your home. They’ll have babies before long – Only 4 to 6 weeks – And the problem gets bigger.

Naturally, this is a problem! It would be best if you acted fast, but it can be hard to think of what to do in the heat of the moment. When you see a mouse, what should you do?

First Step: Calm Down

Take deep breaths. In most cases, you’re not going to catch it with a bucket, net, or whatever you’ve got handy. That mouse knows its way around your home better than you do and is probably already safe. Next, consider what we said about mouse families.

That one mouse isn’t your whole problem. However, it’s time to take broader action when you inevitably lose sight of it.

Take Inventory

Do a quick inspection of your home. Be thorough – Check behind dressers and on top of shelves, in the back of cabinets and drawers. You’re not looking for mice, and you’re looking for evidence of mice. Unlike many mammals, mice are incontinent. They can’t control when they go to the bathroom, leaving droppings and urine everywhere.

You may have mice running around if you see little black to brown droppings shaped like tiny grains of rice.

Remove the Food

Mice are in your home looking for things to eat. Close up anything in metal or glass containers. Mice can and will quickly chew through wood, plastic, and cardboard. If you have pets, be sure their pet food is sealed in a container. You can use plastic, but only if it’s tightly sealed. If they can smell the food inside, they’ll start chewing through.

Clean Up Time

Remove clutter that mice use to hide. Be careful when cleaning mouse droppings. If you have deer mice, there is a chance their waste can contain hantavirus, a deadly respiratory pathogen. Use wet paper towels, a face mask with a filter, goggles, and gloves. Never sweep or vacuum mouse droppings.

Seal and Trap Your Mouse

With your interior cleaned up, it’s time to do some work outside. First, cover exposed vents with metal screens, cement any holes and check your foundation. Next, seal any entrances you find and start setting traps inside. Please place them in the back of cabinets, along walls, and behind furniture in easy-to-reach places.

Lastly, call the professionals. On our website, you can learn how difficult it can be to correct a mouse problem. Please don’t give them a chance to take over, and don’t give yourself an opportunity to miss an entrance. Mice are crafty, but at Consolidated Pest Control, we’re craftier. So we’ll get rid of them and keep them from coming back.

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