As our Riverview pest control professionals know, there are a lot of different species of ants that call the Sunshine State home. Some of them are known to prefer nesting in the great outdoors. Others, like pavement ants, will seize opportunities to nest indoors. This is especially the case during the spring and summer, when they are known to swarm.

Scientists widely agree that the pavement ants are opportunist creatures that have been in the United States since the 1700s. Before that, most believe that the ants primarily lived in European countries. Appearance wise, they are classified as trailing, two-node ants. The workers tend to range in color from brown to black and have stingers. The stingers are located on the pavement ants’ abdomens. They also have grooves that are present on their heads.

The insects are considered opportunists because they tend to be less than fussy when it comes to food, water and lodging choices. Items that they’ll frequently consume are sweets, greasy foods and other insects. As far as nesting sites go, they will set-up shop outdoors or indoors. This list of indoor locations tends to include, but isn’t limited to, floor voids, interior wall voids, insulation and cracks in a building’s masonry.

It is also important to mention that when the pavement ants swarm, they engage in both mating and aggressive behaviors. After mating, they seek to take over areas where they can lay eggs in safety and establish a strong hold. That’s why Riverview residents often notice pavement ant infestations during the warmer months. Each female may lay up to 280 eggs a week and gestation generally lasts about month. So if left to their own devices, colonies can quickly cause Riverview residents a lot of aggravation.

Thankfully, there are ways to combat infestations of pavement ants. Just ask our Riverview pest control pros. For more information about our Riverview pest control services and how they can help get rid of pavement ants, please contact us at (813) 986-3341. And be sure to check out our customer testimonials online.

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