Mosquitoes are always a concern in Florida. But, as the Zika virus becomes a new mosquito borne threat, prevention is imperative. Some of the best ways to discourage these insects are to look for areas where they breed and remove what encourages them. Here are a few ways to protect your home and family from mosquitoes.

Remove standing water

Mosquitoes breed in standing water, no matter how small. Empty anything containing water, such as trash cans, gutters, or buckets. Remove water lingering in the saucers under plants or collecting in the folds of tarps. Check any plastic drainpipes and make sure they drain properly. Even leaky outdoor faucets are a problem, so fix them.

Clean your property

Remove any odd thing that collects water. Old tires and garbage are commonly discussed as mosquito issues, but mosquitoes don’t need garbage to breed. Watering cans, forgotten drinking glasses and bottle caps all collect water. If you need to store something outside, like a wheelbarrow, turn it upside down so it doesn’t collect water.

Use mosquito dunks

If you have a bird bath or water trough, add mosquito dunks containing Bacillus thuringiensis. Safe for pets and children, these dunks stop larvae from developing but the water is still safe to drink. If you can’t get mosquito dunks, at least flush out the containers with a garden hose once a week.

Pools and Ponds

Use a cover to protect small pools with no filtering system. Fish eat mosquitoes, so if you have an aquatic pool or pond, invest in some fish. Filtering ponds with an aerating unit also helps reduce larvae.

Mosquitoes are tough to eradicate and even a thorough examination and clean-up of your property doesn’t always work. For more help with eliminating mosquitoes, contact us at Consolidated Pest Control.

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