Those tiny gnats are annoying enough outside as they buzz around your face, but the little troublemakers also live indoors on your houseplants, or want a share of the fruit that’s ripening on the kitchen counter. Indoor gnats are tiny flies, about 1/8 inch long, and two different species can cause problems inside the house. Here’s what you need to know about them.

Fungus gnats

Fungus gnats love house plants. What attracts them? High humidity and moisture in the soil. If you’ve noticed a cloud of tiny insects launching themselves off a plant when you pick it up, you’ve got a gnat population. These pests feed on fungus in potted dirt but can also damage roots and young seedlings. A gnat population can grow quickly as adults can lay as many as 100 to 150 eggs a week. To control fungus gnats, avoid over-watering plants and try to avoid potting mixes with a high percentage of compost.

Fruit flies

Fruits and vegetables sitting out on the kitchen counter draw another variety of indoor gnat — the fruit fly. These pests also love areas where organic material is decomposing. That means they thrive in kitchen drains, trash cans, empty soda, wine, or beer bottles. A solution — clean up fruit juice spills promptly and rinse out dirty recycle bins. The best advice is to be persistent. Sometimes the source of a breeding area is difficult to find and a challenge to treat.

Has your gnat problem gotten out of hand? Don’t suffer in silence! Contact us and we’ll help you with a prompt solution.

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