Hurricane Season in Florida runs from June 1 to November 1. This peak time of storm activity also coincides with a peak in insect activity. And this is no mere happenstance. So, while you are preparing your home for the season of storms and power outages, consider also prepping your home for pest control.

Hurricane Season and Pests

There is a common misconception that when a storm rolls in, bugs roll out. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, many species of insects use standing water as a breeding ground. This means that large storms that cause even very limited flooding can increase the bug population in your area. The most notorious offender in this category is the mosquito. In addition to this, other pests who are not water-breeders are driven from their homes in search of dry ground. In many cases, the nearest dry ground is inside your home. This includes not only insects, but reptiles like snakes and lizards, rodents, and even flying insects like wasps and bees. This is why it is so important for you to prepare your home now, before the storms arrive.

What to Do

In preparation for hurricane season, many people check around their homes for any damage that could be exacerbated by harsh weather, any objects that could become projectiles in high winds, and put together a hurricane kit inside the home with food and water supplies in case of flooding or power outages. Many of the same steps should be taken to prepare for pests.

  1. Walk around your home and look for any damage, cracks, leaks, or gaps where pests could gain entry into your home. This includes checking the seal around all doors and windows. These are common entry points for pests. Also check around your foundation for cracks or standing water. These are a big attraction for pests as well. This is also the time to check the gaps around utility lines or anything else that requires a hole drilled into the side of your home. Make sure these holes are tightly sealed around the cables or pipes that run into the walls.
  2. Check your roof for holes or missing shingles. If you have solar panels, check around them to be sure they are properly sealed. Also check around the edge of your roof where it meets the walls to ensure there are no gaps. If you have a fireplace, this is another spot to check is correctly sealed while still allowing proper ventilation. Check that your gutters are free of debris and allow water to flow freely.
  3. Remove tree branches from around your home. Any limbs that hang over the roof need to be removed. This will prevent them from falling on your roof during a storm and also eliminate a common entry method pests take into your home. Also trim your plants so they are at least 6 inches away from the side of your home.

In Conclusion

As you can see, there are many steps to take to prevent hurricane season infestations. If you need help preparing, call us today to schedule an inspection and determine what needs to be done around your home to keep pests out.

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