Your homes lawn is perhaps one of the most inviting things people see upon viewing the exterior of your home. Luckily, for many people their lawn requires little maintenance beyond watering, and occasionally mowing, it; however, no matter how diligent one is about maintaining the health of one’s yard, it is inevitable to occasionally have issues arise that negatively alter the appearance of one’s lawn. Anything from improper watering to the infestation of pests can cause an alteration in the appearance of one’s lawn. Thusly, as a homeowner, it is important that you know the signs to look for that can be indicative that pests may be infecting your yard. Knowing these signs will help you to determine if you may be in need of professional lawn pest control. Here are a few of the most common signs that can indicate to homeowners that pests may have taken over their lawn.


Dead Patches/Spots

This is a very common sign of law pest infestation that many individuals are not aware of, as they will often think that these dead patches are a sign that their yard is not getting a proper watering. While this can be true, if you have attempted to rectify the problem by adjusting your sprinklers and these dead patches have not gone away, or worse, they have increased in size or number, then it is likely that your yard is infested with pests. Various types of pests, including grubs, will eat away at the roots of your grass, which in turn causes these dead patches to appear. If you are fighting with such patches in your lawn, have a professional deal with these pests before the problem gets worse.


Cracks, Trails, and Tunnels in One’s Lawn

Larger pests, such as moles and voles, can leave more noticeable evidence of their presence in your yard. These critters will often times leave behind dir trails on your lawns surface. Furthermore, large critters such as gophers will create mounds in your lawn indicating where they have surfaced. Cracks may also appear in your yard showing where pests are tunneling below. If you notice any of these signs present in your yard, it is vital that you call a professional to have these pests removed, as they can do a great deal of damage to your yard.

Knowing the signs that can indicate that you have a pest infestation in your yard can help you to detect an infestation at its earliest possible stages. It is important that if you do believe that your yard is infested that you call a pest control specialist so that they can deal with the issue as soon as possible. Contact us to find out more about the signs that can indicate that pests may be present in your yard, and to schedule an appointment to have these pests eradicated from your lawn.

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