When most people think of pests, they think of little creepy crawlers. Small bugs or little rodents who destroy plants and invade homes. However, there is another type of pest. There are some pests, especially larger animals, who primarily remain outdoors. This week, we are looking at some of the most common animal pests. Read on to learn all about those animal pests from cats and dogs to bears.

Cats & Dogs

Stray cats and dogs, as well as pets that people keep outdoors, cause a wide range of issues. Their waste kills off plants, both wild and domestic. Additionally, they like to chew on plants and consume foliage of all kinds.

To go even further, stray animals are oftentimes aggressive toward homeowners. This is especially a problem if there are older adults or small children in the home.


Coyotes are becoming a bigger problem in the state of Florida, particularly in the central Florida area. They are not only a pest, but also pose a serious threat to homeowners and any animals on their property. They are aggressive and territorial animals who show little fear of humans. More often than not, coyotes are nocturnal. Homeowners should not try to handle coyotes on their own. Rather, they should contact animal control or the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission.


Deer are relatively cute creatures, that can’t be denied. Unfortunately, they are also pests. Their favorite snacks are leaves, stems, buds, alfalfa, roses, corn, as well as other fruits and vegetables. Usually, deer are shy and stick to forest. However, with habitat loss, more and more homeowners are reporting deer in their yard.

Deer are not really a threat to homeowners, nor are they a cause for concern. They are true pests, simply annoying without any real harm.


Bears are not generally a problem for Florida homeowners, but that does not reduce their status as pests. Like coyotes, bears are a pest with a lot of potential to do harm to humans. Generally, bears become pests because they are seeking food. They are attracted to everything from bird feeders to trash cans.

If you see bear in your area, contact local animal control. Oftentimes, wildlife organizations and park rangers try and help control bears so they don’t get killed or injured accidentally.


Raccoons are affectionately known as trash pandas because they love human trash. They are very dexterous creatures with human-like hands. Those little hands can access everything from a garden to your trash cans. Many times, they tear things up and throw trash everywhere. After only a few days of cleaning up after raccoons, many homeowners are over them.

Raccoons are only a threat if they have rabies. Usually local animal control can capture them and rerelease them elsewhere.

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