As the cold fall weather begins to set in, insects will start to die off or go into hibernation. But that is usually only once the temperature reaches freezing. Before that point, be aware that the insects may be flocking into your home to retreat from the cold weather. So, what kind of insects can you expect and how do you prevent them?

Kinds of Insects

A lot of insects, especially ants, spiders and roaches, will try to find a way into your home as the weather begins to cool because they are seeking warmth and shelter. Ants and bees will go into hibernation once the temperature reaches freezing. But almost every other insect will try to survive in your home, so keep a wary eye out. And if you have pets, be aware that fleas will die in freezing temperatures, but until that point they will try to find safety in your pet’s fur and ultimately inside your home.


For outside your home, make sure you check for any holes, cracks or other ways the insects could enter your home. Block as many as you can, steel wool works well, and for those you can’t block, spray pesticide around it – unless it is an air vent, as you don’t want to send pesticides into the air in your home.

Keep your lawn mowed and any plants near your home well cared for until freezing temperatures set in. Insects like to hide or live in your shrubbery and may move into your home once it gets colder.

Repair rips and tears in your window screens, air vents and chimney openings.

Store firewood at least 20 feet away from your home.

For inside your home, dispose of garbage regularly in a sealed trash bin. Wipe down countertops and vacuum or sweep your floors every day to get rid of crumbs or other food items. Vacuum your carpet at least once a week, and if you have pets make sure to keep their food and water bowls clean.

If you see insects, you can call an exterminator or buy an in-home pesticide. Just be careful when you use the in-home pesticides, especially if you have pets or children, as they are very toxic.

No More Insects

While it is impossible to fully prevent insects from entering your home, doing the above prevention actions can lessen the possibility. Just keep in mind that the insects are only trying to survive – it is not a home invasion. Thankfully, once that freeze sets in, most insects will die off and you won’t need to think of them again until spring. If you need help with an insect or pest problem, contact us today!

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