Summertime in Florida is all about the outdoors. From backyard barbecues to lazy days at the beach and picnics in the park, Floridians seem to be made for exploring the outdoors. But on big drawback to being outside is fire ants. If you have ever experienced a fire ant bite, you know the burn that these little critter bites can inflict. This is one species you do not want to invade your backyard oasis. Read on to learn how to banish fire ants from your home and lawn.

All About Fire Ants

Fire ants have a telltale red color to their bodies and range from 1.5 to 5mm in length. Their mounds can be as big as 4 feet in diameter. They are formed as the colonies dig deep underground and push up the soil as they tunnel. Colonies are no picnic either. They can have anywhere from 100,000-500,000 ants and multiple queens all laying their eggs.

Fire ants are responsible for over $6 billion worth of damage each year in the United States. They feed on vegetation, including farming crops and destroy the natural habitat of various wildlife.

Fire ants have been known to gain access to buildings through HVAC systems and even in tiny holes in exterior walls. It is recommended to regularly inspect your home’s exterior for any ant colonies that may be looking for a way inside.

When a fire ant bites, there is usually a strong sting and burning sensation. It can be quite painful at the site of the bite. There may also be swelling and itching as well as blisters for several days after the bite. Some people are allergic to fire ant bites, so they may also experience difficulty breathing and anaphylaxis.

How to Get Rid of Them

Fire ants have been known to seek out lawns with a good amount of moisture. They do not necessarily need a lot of soil, but water is vital to their survival. To help prevent fire ants, regularly check around your house for any leaks or standing water. They also like to look for food scraps, so make sure that any garbage left outside is well sealed and out of reach. Also try not to leave pet food outdoors for extended periods of time. This is a huge draw for fire ants as they like to take the food scraps back to colony for sustenance.

In addition, make sure you are keeping your floors and counter-tops clean of any crumbs or spills as these are a huge draw for fire ants. If you have a compost bin in your yard, make sure to keep it tightly sealed.

When all else fails, it is time to give the professionals at Consolidated Pest Control a call. We can give you specific tips and guidance on how to banish fire ants from your home and yard. We will also set up a treatment plan with you to make sure that the fire ants are gone for good.


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