Bed bugs might not sound like a big deal, but if you’ve ever had to face off with them you know just what a difficult to defeat foe an infestation can be. You also know that, far from being something cute and innocuous, bed bugs are more like vampire roaches. They suck your blood while you sleep, then vanish into the cracks and crevices before daybreak.

Fortunately, all it takes is a few, simple precautions to make sure you don’t wind up with bed bugs in your place.

3 Simple Ways You Can Prevent Bed Bug Infestations in Your Home

#1: Vacuum Often, and Thoroughly

The vacuum cleaner is your most potent weapon against pests of all kinds, and it’s particularly good at preventing bed bug infestations. Regular passes with the vacuum will suck up any who do manage to get into your house, and you can deposit them outside, in the garbage, where they belong.

#2: Clean Up Your Clutter

Bed bugs love nothing more than to hide in your clutter. Piles of dirty laundry are like a fort to them, and if you like to use your floor as a shelf then you may find all sorts of critters sneaking around where you don’t want them. Deny them the opportunity, and clear the way for your vacuum to weed them out.

#3: If It’s Dirty, Wash It

No one likes increasing their to-do list, but when it comes to bed bugs a little extra laundry can save you a world of frustration. From bed sheets and clothes, to your dishes and carpets, if you want to keep them pest free, wash them on the regular.

For more great prevention tips, as well as advice on how to get rid of infestations once you have one, simply contact us today!

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