Tired of constantly dealing with weeds and bugs ruining your lawn? Well here are three simple solutions to keep away pests and keep your lawn thriving all year round.


A healthy lawn can reduce the number of Chinch bugs drastically and there is no better way to keep a healthy lawn than watering. Sticking to an efficient watering system can help your lawn flourish and maintain general well-being. Maximize your efficiency by watering when it’s able to reach the soil and be quickly aerated out, so as to prevent a breeding ground for possible pests.

Use Pest Resilient Lawn Grasses

Simply finding a grass that is more resilient in your specific climate can work wonders in maintaining a healthy lawn. For Florida, St. Augustine grass is known for its adaptation to Florida’s warm and humid environment. While it often thrives in well-drained and fertile soil, it does well in a wide variety of circumstances.


Introducing insecticides and herbicides into your lawn is extremely effective for preventing pests in your yard. Insecticides are great at simply making your lawn inhabitable for many of Florida’s peskiest pests. These can help curb the damage the insects are able to do to your lawn and help your lawn thrive. Herbicides work similarly by simply creating an environment that isn’t ideal for many pests. By removing weeds and controlling your lawn, you can drastically improve your lawn’s health.

Infestation can often go unnoticed to the untrained eye and be falsely identified as drought or disease. If you’d like a consultation on professional lawn maintenance, please contact us.

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